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- 유게에서는 정치/종교 관련 등 논란성 글 및 개인 비방은 금지되어 있습니다.
Date |
2020/01/07 12:23:47 |
Name |
키리기리 |
File #1 |
ezgif.com_optimize.gif (2.97 MB), Download : 91 |
출처 |
The verge |
Link #2 |
https://www.theverge.com/platform/amp/2020/1/6/21051259/lora-dicarlo-sex-tech-toy-massager-awards-ban-ose-ces-2020?__twitter_impression=true |
Subject |
[기타] CES에서 수상했지만 박탈당한 비운의 성인용품 |

작년 CES에 출품되서 수상의 명예를 누렸지만, 직후 상을 박탈당한(“immoral, obscene, indecent, profane or not in keeping with CTA’s image will be disqualified.” - 주최측) 비운의 회사입니다.
The shaft of the device has a ball inside that protrudes and moves up and down for that “come hither” motion, the speed of which can be adjusted, as well as the length of the strokes, using buttons on the bottom of the device. The shaft also bends to fit each person’s pelvic angle. Meanwhile, the clitoral stimulator, which uses a motor to flutter air in and out, can also be adjusted for intensity.
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