Date 2003/09/05 10:14:16
Name 마린스
Subject 워3 다수의 버그..
어느 유저가 버그를 발견하고 이것을 목록화 했네요

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실례를 들은 자료파일도 있군요.운영자인 지프라이저가 nice work 라고 말한거
봐서 아주 적절한 지적인거같습니다

Ok, so there are a lot of things that may or may not be bugs that have brought up on this forum. So I decided to add each to a list as they got brought up, and I feel like posting the list as it's getting a decent length.

I don't have 1.12 replays for all of these right now, so if you have a replay to go with a bug, post the replay, I'll check it out, and then add it to the bug description.

If I give just a filename for a replay or image, then they're that filename in this zip:
(You may have to copy/paste that link into a new browser window to make it work properly)

Note: Unconfirmed is based on whether I've seen it myself. Those that are confirmed but have no replays either don't need them or I've seen but I can't find the replay. Those that are unconfirmed can be very likely, I just haven't seen them myself so I leave them out.

Comments, knowledge on these bugs (they may not all be actually bugs) and replays of these bugs especially would be welcome. I am not sending them straight in to blizzard because I want to be sure I have certain bugs and this is a good way to check (get general input).

Oh, and say which edit you're replying to so I can keep things straight (starts at Edit 0).

Edit: Just a typo correction. Ack.

Straight Bugs

Spirit Link / Berserker

When Spirit Linked Berserkers in Berserk mode are hit, the damage snowballs along the each berserker, allowing a single hit to do hundreds of damage.

And for anyone who says "But GF said it was intentional;" no, he didn't, TCaldwell did, and then he retracted it because he had misunderstood what was being said.

Status: Confirmed.
Evidence: spiritlinkbug.w3g (Fast forward to around 11:20, then look at the bottom right of the map, the red creep group area).

Warstomp Damage Hurts Dryads

If dryads are within the radius of a warstomp, they take damage from it but are not stunned. As Warstomp shouldn't be a universal spell, this shouldn't happen.

Status: Unconfirmed.
Evidence: None yet.

TP Cancel Bug

TP cancels for no reason; no 'stop' command or suchlike was issue.

Status: Confirmed.
Evidence: (watch around 19:10; tp started and then cancels later).
tpcancel.w3g in the zip is the same replay
tpcancel.jpg shows the w3g master view of what was going on, so there should have been no cancel from what I see.

Burrowed Fiend Model

When an burrowing fiend is hit by certain effects [Impale, Tornado] their model is removed [Entirely for an invisible fiend, replaced by the mini-tornado].

Status: Confirmed.
Evidence: None yet.

Kodo Control Group

When a Kodo is in your control group, you can't pick up tomes.

Status: Unconfirmed.
Evidence: None yet.

Unit Follow Cancel

When a unit is ordered to follow a unit that then blinks (or teleports otherwise) the move order is entirely canceled. Presumably it gets a stop since it briefly doesn't know where to go.

Status: Confirmed, but may be intentional.
Evidence: None yet; no point. We've all seen it.

Mine Graphical Bug

When a shockwave hits and destroys an unsummoning mine, the mine art no longer shows.

Status: Unconfirmed; it existed a while back, but may have been fixed.
Evidence: None yet.

Model/Unit changes cancels Channeling

When a unit changes model/unit (i.e. leaving avatar or meta) all channeling spells (such as TPs) are cancelled. Since avatar / meta replaces the unit with another entirely, I guess the engine can't continue channeling over the 2 different units.

Status: Unconfirmed.
Evidence: None yet.

Mana Flare Deaths Continue Channeling

When a unit casting a channeling spell (i.e. BigBadVoodoo) is killed by fairy dragon, the channeling spell itself continues as if the unit was still there. Furthermore, a Shadow Hunter casting BBV and dying like this will now have a permanent moving BBV around him upon revival.

Status: Confirmed for BBV, unconfirmed for others.
Evidence: None yet.

Starfall doesn't work

In some cases, Starfall doesn't work properly. Only one or two stars come down and do damage.

Status: Confirmed.
Evidence: sfallnonstart.w3g (fast forward to very end); sfallnonstart.jpg and sfallnonstart2.jpg are images of the battle at 2 different points, with starfall going.

Impale (and other AOE?) is canceled by Amulet of Spell Shield

Impale is entirely canceled when targeted at a unit with an Amulet of Spell Shield.
This may or may not effect other targeted AOE. Presumably it primary interacts with the initial target, making it vulnerable to this.

Status: Unconfirmed.
Evidence: None.

Impale doesn't hurt invisible units

Impale does not hurt units within the AOE that are invisible, unless you have detection.

Status: Unconfirmed.
Evidence: None.

Hits by illusions dispel OOC items

Out of combat items such as healing salves and clarity pots on a unit or hero are dispelled when the unit or hero is hit by an illusion, though the illusion does no damage.

Status: Confirmed.
Evidence: Go to 9:47 of this -

AMS does not dispel Aerial Shackles

Aerial shackles is a non-physical, non-universal spell, but it cannot be removed by AMS. Probably to do with Shackles being single-target channeling and/or freezing the target. Can someone check this with mana drain and life drain too?

Status: Unconfirmed.
Evidence: None.

AMS'd units do not gain life from Vamp Aura

Auras should be universal, so they should work on everything, magic-immune or not. Changes were made to vamp aura in this direction (they didn't use to be able to leech from dryads). However, now AMS'd units can't leech themself.
This is likely due to the changes made to vamp aura; it used to be the code didn't allow you to leech from magic-immune target; to make it more universal, they probably switched around target/source code with the unfortunate side effect of not being able to leech with magic immune source.

Status: Unconfirmed.
Evidence: None.

XP for killing allied units

I don't have much clue about this one, I just noticed someone claiming there was XP given when a crypt lord killed an allied unit with impale.

Status: Unconfirmed.
Evidence: None.

Invisible Beastmaster Stampede

The beastmaster can cast stampede while invisible (or become and remain invisible after casting).

Status: Unconfirmed.
Evidence: None.

Invisible Hunts

In certain situations hunts (and other units?) can retain shadowmeld while moving.
It has been proposed that the cause is:
Hunt X gets order, but can't fulfill it. It starts moving, then stops as it blocks and auto-shadowmelds as it stops.
Hunt X is no longer blocked and starts moving again; however, it does not get the 'un-hide' command (as it hasn't attacked or been give a new command) and stays hidden.
However, I've also seen someone disagree with that.

Status: Confirmed.
Evidence: invisiblehunts.w3g [speed up and look at the left side fountain]

Stutter Bug

This is pretty broad. There are 3 main categories I've noticed:
Nova/Coil Ignoring - you tell it to cast nova or coil specifically and the spell is not cast.
Move Ignoring - Most of us have run into this; units ignore your orders.
Grouping Ignoring - For some reason, you tell the computer to put unit X in group Y and it refuses to. Has happened to me.

Status: Confirmed, sort of. There's a bug there, but it's tough to nail down.
Evidence: Look at the following replay (and see no coiling) at the times and compare it to the commands listed in the replay.

Also, for grouping weirdness, in the zip

Move ignoring most people say it's just because you're spamming the move command and they keep stopping to readjust, but it's done it to me on just one order regularly; however, I don't have a good example of that.

UD Town Hall Attacks

When a UD townhall is training an acolyte the frost effect is not used.

Status: Confirmed.
fast forward to about 8:40.


These are things that aren't necessarily bugs, but weird results of the way the game works, or just things that can't be simply shown in a replay. They may get brought up as bugs, however, so that's why they're here. Also, they may not be game flaws but just interface flaws.

Cycloned units can be healed

Units that are cycloned can be healed. This is likely because healing is a universal spell, and cycloned units, while invulnerable to everything, can still gain benefit from universal spells.

Status: Unconfirmed.
Evidence: None.

Alt Showing Mirror Images

Alt does not show HP bars for mirror images. However, it usually does, and this bug has been extremely hard to pin down and certainly doesn't show in replays even when it was supposed to have happened.

Status: Unconfirmed.
Evidence: None.

Attack buffers do not stack

Orbs, Arrow Spells (Searing, Cold, Black) and Cleave do not stack with each other. It has been said that this is unlikely to be fixed, as it would require an overhaul of the orb code.

Status: Unconfirmed.
Evidence: None.

Channeling Spells act differently

While most channeling spells are not canceled if a group the channeler is in gets a new command (the channeler himself must get the order) this is not true for all spells (for example, stampede).

Status: Unconfirmed.
Evidence: None.

Interface Drop From alt-tabbing

When you alt-tab out of the game and then alt-tab back in, weird things happen to certain parts of the interface - gold mines become half-visible, the lighting gets screwed up, and the trimming can disappear.

Status: Confirmed.
Evidence: gmlightifacealttab.jpg
Cause: Unknown. However, it's likely to do with my video card (ATI 8x Series has occasionally lighting weirdness).
My (relevant) comp specs:
Athlon XP 1700+ clocked at 1800+
SB Audigy Plat.
AIW Radeon 8500 DV.
512 Meg RAM

Blinking Behavior Inconsistent

When the warden is told to blink somewhere out of her range, she will either blink and then walk their (usually) or walk and then blink (sometimes, often inopportune times). This is inconsistent, and can kinda suck.

Status: Unconfirmed.
Evidence: None.

Militia'd Peasent Order Dropping

When a peasent is building something, then the orders to militia and then move to place X are queued into his commands, he militias but then stops and doesn't move further.

Status: Unconfirmed.
Evidence: None.

Thumbs-Down Forgetfulness forgets your thumbs settings from session to session (bad! No Cookie!).

Status: Confirmed.
Evidence: None, but we've all seen it.

Shop Item Availability

Items that are common across all shops (such as heal pots) require any town hall of that level, not a matching town hall of that level. In other words, if you're UD with a Black Citadel, and you possess a peasent and build a voodoo lounge, you can buy healing/mana pots from it, but not the lightning orb / great hall (as they require an orc fortress). This would be because they're the same item, so they need to require the same things, so they all require just one of 4 halls.

Status: Confirmed; also intentional. Mentioning it here just because.
Evidence: None, no point.

I Have No Idea

I read something about a bug where orc just got "can't build there" over and over for no reason, but I don't remember anything about it, can't find the post, and have no idea where to even start with it.

통합규정 1.3 이용안내 인용

"Pgr은 '명문화된 삭제규정'이 반드시 필요하지 않은 분을 환영합니다.
법 없이도 사는 사람, 남에게 상처를 주지 않으면서 같이 이야기 나눌 수 있는 분이면 좋겠습니다."
03/09/05 10:15
수정 아이콘
그 중 제일 치명적인 것은 alt 키를 누르면 미러 이미지는 체력 게이지바가 나오지 않아 손쉽게 간파당한다는 것입니다.
03/09/05 11:02
수정 아이콘
저기 누가 해석좀 -_-;;;;;
목록 삭게로! 맨위로
번호 제목 이름 날짜 조회
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12653 [잡담] 나는 지오의 예전 유니폼이 더 좋다. [19] 義劍無敗3673 03/09/05 3673
12652 지금 스타크래프트에 대해 가장 바라는것. [10] 삭제됨2590 03/09/05 2590
12650 워3 다수의 버그.. [2] 마린스2534 03/09/05 2534
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12645 이번주 토요일, 인사이드 스터프가 방송된다고 하네요 :) [14] gam4269 03/09/05 4269
12644 9월 8일, 워3 프로리그가 드디어 시작됩니다... [11] 저녁달빛1822 03/09/05 1822
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12642 슬램덩크을 보면서.. [54] ASsA2785 03/09/05 2785
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12639 이것이 진정한 대박이다.. ~ [25] 낭만오쿠3521 03/09/04 3521
12638 좀 더 발전하고 싶습니다. [53] N2Rookie2963 03/09/04 2963
12636 손오공배 워3 리그 10강경기 드디어 시작하는군요 [51] forever1997 03/09/04 1997
12635 오늘의 메이져 MSL 승자예상을 해봐요~ + 문자중계 [201] 태상노군4299 03/09/04 4299
12633 재미로 보는 엽기맵에딧. [10] 언덕저글링2301 03/09/04 2301
12628 블리자드에서 스타에 신경좀 써주길바랍니다~!!!! [14] 리발도2939 03/09/04 2939
12627 Any More Maphack? [13] SummiT[RevivaL]2224 03/09/04 2224
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