Date 2005/09/08 12:11:14
Name ooa
File #1 (57.8 KB), Download : 1320
Subject 펭귄 plug-041 스타1.13d에서 작동
041에서 새로운 기능 추가
-게임시작하고나서 \r 할말 명령어로 최근 귓말온 사람에게 바로 답장가능
-펭귄플러그 윈도우창 숨기기 기능

readme.html 내용

PenguinPlug 0.4.1 for Starcraft 1.13d
You can find the most updated version of this helpfile with some additional cool screenshots here:

Veteran PenguinPlug users ? you can just read the changelog at the end
New PenguinPlug users ? read everything :)

PenguinPlug is a multifunction plug-in for Starcraft. It's goal is to provide additional functions while keeping the game fair. The following options are currently available:

RWT: Replay With Text
When you save a replay, all the messages you received from players (and your own messages) will be recorded in the replay. When you view the replay, the messages will appear. It works more or less like RWA (replay with audio by JCA), except you don't need a microphone: the poor man's version :) and you can record humorous comments by your opponents, it should give a new life to some replays.

(screenshot removed in offline documentation)

Note : the player that is saving the replay must have it running during the entire game, and each player that is watching it must have it running if they want to view the comments. If they don't have PenguinPlug, it will still be played like a normal replay for them. Of course it doesn't record the enemy privates messages.

Version 0.2.9 and higher have an integrity check that ensure that the text cant be modified easly modified. If you see the message "Integrity ok" it means it has been saved with this feature.

Unshifted Hotkey
If you have a French azerty keyboard, then you must use the "shift key" to type numbers, and it's VERY annoying for hotkeys. this plug-in allow you to use hotkey without using shift or caps lock.

unshift hotkey is off by default: type "\unshift on" to activate it and to save it in the config file automatically.

Replay Anti-corruption
Sometime (mostly in games with many players), Starcraft can crash when saving a replay. Penguinplug will it will warn you durring the game if it happen, and will prevent the crash and try to fix the replay while it's saved. in this case you will need penguinplug to watch the corrupted replay or it will crash / disconnect / act strangely after the time the corruption happened. Of course if the replay is not corrupted, you should still be able to watch it without PenguinPlug.

When the replay get corrupted, it's because of a player, but it doesnt mean he is hacking, most of the time it happen by accident at the start of the game. It will write the responsability amount of the possible replay crasher, in the form of 2 numbers : "x/y"... here is the math : if you divide x by y, and it's less than 80%, it's probably an accident and the guy should not be accused of cheating. If it happen in the middle of the game, repetedly, and with more than this 80% number, then it's probably a cheat tool that is used to select more units that normaly allowed. I'm not the only one who made a similar replay anti-corruption, but i did mine alone.

(screenshot removed in offline documentation)

Automatic Replay Saver
For every game you play, the replay will be saved automatically in the subdirectory "maps\replays\autoreplay" of starcraft. The name will be the number of the game (4 digits) + the 6 first characters of every player name, separated by underscores "_", limited to 31 to keep the file openable by sc. You can still save it at an other place by clicking the save button normaly

Now you dont need to remeber to save the replay, but dont forget to clean the directory before you reach the replay 9999 :) This feature come from Lasgo, he wrote the code for 1.11b, the source code was public, i just converted it to 1.12b & 1.13 and integrated to penguinplug.

(screenshot removed in offline documentation)

Since PenguinPlug 0.3.96, replays of less than 2 minutes are not auto-saved (was considered as an annoyance to have many useless replays like this).

Download visibility
Allow you to see the download progress even at 0% or 100%. This way you can see who has the map and who hasnt. This patch come from Ashur, i only rewrote it to grey out the 100% values.

(screenshot removed in offline documentation)
Reply to last /w
If someone send you a private message durring the game, you can reply to him by typing as a message "\r something_you_want_to_say" and it will send a /w back to his guy.

The name of the player that had messaged you is saved when you first press the enter key, so if more players message you after, it will still probably reply to the guy you wanted to message when you pressed the enter key. As soon as you type "\r ", the name of the auto-reciepient will be announced.

Like any command, it only work durring the game and not in game lobby or bnet chat

Spoof detection (experimental)
PenguinPlug will automaticaly send the /whereis messages to check if all players in the game are using some evil "spoofing hack" to change their name or take someone else identity. This option is experimental and disabled by default. Known issue : if some players quit before the anti-spoof check has finished, they will be detected as possible spoofer, because they are no longer in the game, you can safely ignore the messages in this case.

Hide rally animation : if you are annoyed by it and you like too much the old < 1.12 behavior, theres an option in PenguinPlug to disable it.

command line editing & history : you can move back and forward in the line of the in-game text, and you can scroll up / down through the replay with text.

With the new patchs 1.12 and 1.13, the remote "self-unally" anti-cheat functions of PenguinPlug doesnt works on any other existing maphacks, they are impossible to remake so dont ask.

Windows XP/NT/2000. With version 0.3 or higher it will probably work with 95, 98 and ME but i test it less often on those systems.
Broodwar 1.12b or Vanilla SC 1.12b. If blizzad update it, it will not work until i change MANY references in the PengiunPlug code, no need to ask every 5 minutes when it will be done
Extract in your starcraft directory (the directory that contain starcraft.exe).

(screenshot removed in offline documentation)

You can drag and drop PenguinLauncher.exe while keeping the CTRL and SHIFT key pressed to make a shortcut on your desktop.

(screenshot removed in offline documentation)

Then double clic penguinlauncher.exe It will add a penguin trayicon in the taskbar, and you will see a message everytime you start a game. (you can also try to run starcraft.exe first and then run PenguinLauncher for WinNT/XP).

Classic disclaimers
This program is a 3rd party program, that is not endorsed by Blizzard. Be aware that by running it you may break the ELUA. However, it is NOT a cheat program, and it doesn't give any unfair gameplay advantage over a legitly playing opponent, I will never add any features that could be considered "cheating". It would be very ironic if Blizzard, after leting cheaters unpunished for months, would punish users of tools like bwscanner or PenguinPlug.

Security concerns
As long as you download the program directly from me, it has no trojans or viruses included :) It doesn't manipulate your files, except the replays when you save and open them, the files penguinplug-debug.txt and penguinplug.ini

It doesn't affect any other program except if they are named Starcraft.exe. It stays in memory as long as Starcraft is running, and stops when you stop it. Unfortunately, I cant provide any "bug free warranty", it's still an experimental version and i will probably never pretend to have 0 bugs for sure, so it may possibly crash, corrupt or prevent you from loading the replay, or have other nasty unintended behavior. But I have tested it, and it seems to work quite well for me. If you notice some bugs, please inform me with detailed explanations and I will do my best to fix them in a future version.

Source code
I had planed to release the source code but it would put me in a dangerous situation in case someone reprogram it in a cheating tool. It would not make a big difference for Blizzard if someone modified it, they would still consider me responsible. I dont want to disclose something that could help the evil side to create a cheat program. I dont appreciate security by obscurity but Blizzard decided starcraft will work this way and i cant change that.

Some code come from Lasgo (about 100 lines of bwac informations) and Ilintar is actively developping it and will need to have it safe too. For this reason, i wont give out the source, but if you have some positive reasons and you have already contributed positively in the SC community, you can ask.

Extra credits
Probably half of the code lines come from someone else :

Ilintar is actively developping some large parts in the PenguinPlug source code that is going to be included in the next versions. I will let him explain his project by himself, be patient guys, but it's going to be great. In the version 0.4.0, he programmed most of the config menu and he did the "process priority changer".
Ashur gave me the hide rally points, some of the internal checks, and the download visibility offsets, big thanx
Lasgo shared some code with me from bwac, and i also used his public replay saver code, big thanx too
DLL Injection and function interception tutorial By CrankHank
SC BaseHook 1.1 - by Palomino
How To Enumerate Applications Using Win32 APIs;en-us;Q175030
Yaron Zarfati's Linux Penguin icon
Special thanks
All my friends on, my cousins, the [ZO] team (, the scd guys (, angel.white, and all the peoples who helped to test it.

JCA, Lasgo, TravelToAiur, Entropy for making usefull and fair 3rd party programs. Ilintar and Pat for wgt/tlt and pgt. (and Blizzard for making the game - i was about to forget this one :) did i forgot anyone else ?

If you have some ideas / comments / questions, feel free to ask me by email (, or I also spend some time in forums.

Known bugs
I dont have any infos yet on bugs of this new release, but it doesnt mean they are none :)

The webpage is the only one i control myself. So it's the only safe and most updated page to download PenguinPlug. (note: is the same address and is valid too)

Command Line Reference
In PenguinPlug 0.4.0, a new way to configure PenguinPlug has been added : a graphic config menu. Double clic the Penguin icon in the taskbar to open / close it.

(screenshot removed in offline documentation)
Command Line Reference
Those commands have to by typed durring the game. Most of the value you can change with them are saved automaticaly so no need to type them every game.

To type them press enter and use the "\" character and then the name of your command. for example "\help" will give you a list of those commands. you have to type them in game (not lobby or chat) All the options are now changable in the Configuration menu.

(screenshot removed in offline documentation)
Show this help message about PenguinPlug

rwtplay (on/off)
Show the game text durring the replay if available (Replay With Text) PenguinPlug will still load the text at the start of the game bt it will not display it until you turn it on.

rwtrecord (on/off)
Save the replay with recorded message (Replay With Text) The replay will be saved like if PenguinPlug was not used, and there will be absolutely no text data in it, even if you only choose this at the last 10 seconds of the game

unshift (on/off) (default=off)
On azerty keyboard (french layout) it allow you to type hotkeys without pressing shift everytime. The default seting is off, so make sure you type "\unshfit on" if you want to enable it.

Open bwchart with the replay you are currently watching You must be in a replay to use this. BWChart must be installed and associated with the .rep files.

If it doesnt work you can check this this: in bwchart, clic the "Option" button at the top of the screen and put a mark in the checkbox "File association between .rep extension and bwchart. BWChart is the great tool of JCA, he publish it on

Open PenguinPlug webpage with your default webbrowser:

Save all the comments with times in a .txt file. Then it will open the notepad (or the program associated with .txt files) and load it. The filename and the path is exactly the same as the .rep file, you will get a file ending with ".rep.txt" You must be in a replay with text to use this command.

antispoof (on/off) (default=off)
Automaticaly check all the player names durring a game, to see if they are using a hack program to get a fake aka.

autoreplay (on/off)
Enable or disable the "auto replay save".

bwac (on/off) (default=off)
If you know what bwac is, you can turn it on, theres some comments about it in the other part if this readme

hiderally (on/off) (default=off)
If you dont want the "rally animation" to be showed every time you select a building that has a rally point, you can disable it, it will do as if you were in the patch 1.11b for this.

r <message>
by pressing \r durring the game, you can reply to the lastest private message

Dates are DD/MM/YYYY format. Versions number are decided stupidly i know :)

v0.4.1 - 07/09/2005
Updated for SC & BW 1.13d

New reply system, the \r command, try it after someone message you durring the game
Option to hide the penguinplug config Window (you can still get it by double-clicking the penguin icon)
v0.4.0 - 14/08/2005
Updated for SC & BW 1.13b

New graphic config GUI to change the options easily (done Mostly by Ilintar)
Spoof detection (Experimental - disabled by default), again, Ilintar did a large part of it
BWAC action read-ahead durring replays (should make less false-suspicious alerts - but there is still quite a lot)
Option to change the SC process priority, i didnt tested how efficient it was but feel free to tweak it and repport how much it changed your life ;) (Feature coded by Ilintar)
v0.3.96 - 06/07/2005
Updated for Starcraft and Broodwar 1.13

Converted for 1.13
Replay anti-crash should work better and now realy fix the new replays.
Replay autosave no longer auto-save games under 2 minutes
v0.3.95 - 05/06/2005
A bugfix version, no new features, but important bugs have been fixed:

when the corruption is detected the fix works but the message is wrong, it's sent to all players in the game instead of displayed only localy, and it can cause problems because it go over the maximum allowed size.
an error message on some system when you close starcraft "ressource handle was obtained but never released"). It's not dangerous and easy fixed.
if a message is too long, it might cause theoricaly some problem but i never encountered a case where it happened
v0.3.94 - 05/05/2005
like usual, a test version, many new features :

anticrash for "save game" crash
anticrash for "repair + dropship" crash
anticrash for the "sprite" crash (just a quick workaround, you will still be disconnected but your SC doesnt crash and you can save the replay)
replay anti-corruption (not fully tested)
Auto-replay saver: it automaticaly save all the replays of the game you have played, if you regret every game to have a fast apm in the "end game" screen where you clic too fast the exit button, you are going to like this :) All the code is from Lasgo, i just converted it to patch 1.12b
editing the command line (left + right arrow move in the text)
command line history (up or down arrow to change the line)
download visibility: Ashur provided me the code to show the download % even at 0 or 100. I rewrote it to grey out the completed download at 100%. I know some cheat programs have it, but maybe now they are not alone.
hide rally animation: an other patch from Ashur, it allow you to disable or enable the rally animation, if you like better the old behavior, see command list for an help about it).
suspicious action detection: very useless code to try to imitate the behavior of "bwac"... If you dont know what it is, you shouldnt use it. It needs to be extremely carefull when using it, it's only there for people that were very used to the old Lasgo bwac, and that have a good knowledge about how the replay works, how the actions are managed, it's disabled by default... A big part of the code is from Lasgo.
fixed a PenguinPlug bug that could crash the game after saving a replay with text if the text was empty, thanx to humm nobody ? ;) who reported this problem with enough specific detail for me to identify the case where it could do this crash.
v0.3.9 - 19/02/2005
Test version for the 1.12b SC patch

offsets converted to be 1.12 compatible (and reconverted for 1.12b :( )
anticheat removed (no more usefull)
allow commands to be typed even in single player mode (with the older versions, they only worked in multiplayer)
new "\rwtexport" command, to save the replay comments to a .txt file
added protection against the "hover incomplete" crash
minor bugfix: unshifted hotkey not working on belgian keyboards (thanx rage-xg- for the bug repport)
minor bugfix: "\rwtplay off" not working (thanx angel.white for repporting)
v0.3 - 08/12/2004
The loader is no longer a commandline program, it means it wont show the dos box. So dont jump "it's not working, theres no dos box", it probably worked, check the penguin icon.
new command: "\bwchart" open bwchart with the replay you are currently watching.
new command: "\webpage", it will open penguinplug webpage
Windows 98 beta support. I removed all usages of NT only functions in the pluggin, so it should now work for 95/98, maybe ME (happy xmass win9x users). It's still a test version for those 0S. You have to run the launcher before SC if you are using one of those.
New experimental command line system for configuration.
type "\help" for a list of PP commands
type "\command" to run this command or view the value
type "\command (something)" to change a value
For example :
Unshifted hotkey is now turrned on by default, type "\unshift on" to turn it on".
Most config variables are saved in PenguinPlug.ini in the sc folder, so you dont have to retype them everytime. The command line system havent been 100% tested and can bug/crash... I suggest you avoid to experiment new commands if you are in an important game, and please repport any crash with detailed info of how to reproduct it.
RWT integrity check: for replay that have been saved with PP v0.2.9 and higher, it will check if the text have been altered. - Integrity OK means the text is probably accurate - Integrity failed means the text have been altered or corrupted - no integrity data means it have been saved with an older version of PP or removed (then the text could have been changed) It's not totaly 100% a proof of autenticity but it surly prevent kids to edit the text by remplacing the chars with the notepad :) You can open the new version of the RWT with the old PP and the opposit (even if you are zerg - a small joke for Blizzard ;) It will just not show the integrity messages.
"Text stop playing" fixed: there was a random 0.5% of chance at any line that the rest wasnt displayed. All old replay benefit of this bugfix. Thanx the_jem for the repport. Increasing text display lenght, i will make an option about it latter.
Unshifted hotkeys: works for keys 6 and 8 now, thanx shiv for for repporting the bug.
Changed the anti-cheat message to make it appear invisible. However it will clear the screen of all displayed messages for everyone and still beep.
You can now change the time of the auto-check with "/autocheck 8" for example, will check 8 minutes after the game start. Additionally, you can do the check at anytime with "/checknow" Please dont abuse it, if he is hacking, then just 1 time will work. however, if he need to pause the game to alt+tab & start his hack just after the check message, you can have a 2nd chance to get him :)
Fixed a bug where the text was saved in the incorrect replay if one replay was selected to be overwritten, and then cancel was pressed. Thanx killerpenguin for repporting.
Fixed some tray icon display logic, it might solve some display bugs. Bug repported by Kobayashi, tell me if it works.
v0.2 - 28/11/2004
first anti-hack code
tray icon
laucher can now run sc if not already loaded
added untested code to try to make it work with win9x series
v0.1 - 20/11/2004
first "usable version", RWT + hotkeyfr


* 총알이 모자라...님에 의해서 게시물 이동되었습니다 (2005-09-08 16:51)

통합규정 1.3 이용안내 인용

"Pgr은 '명문화된 삭제규정'이 반드시 필요하지 않은 분을 환영합니다.
법 없이도 사는 사람, 남에게 상처를 주지 않으면서 같이 이야기 나눌 수 있는 분이면 좋겠습니다."
05/09/08 12:41
수정 아이콘
이건 미네랄핵은 못막죠?,,,, 막아줬으면 좋겠네요 ㅜㅜ
05/09/08 12:45
수정 아이콘
네 미네랄핵 아래글보고 깜짝ㅇ놀랐네요-_-
05/09/08 13:15
수정 아이콘
새로운맵핵의 미네랄핵 기능
05/09/08 16:27
수정 아이콘
나만큼 요놈을 기다린녀석이 있었을까! 모든 맵핵을 막아주진 못하고 실제로 베넷상에서 맵핵커들을 자주만나진 않지만 심리적안정을 가져다 줘서! 올려주셔서 감사합니다 ooa님
05/09/08 16:54
수정 아이콘
-0- 제가 글을 올렸는데 더 자세하게 적어주셔서 삭제했네요 .
05/09/08 16:57
수정 아이콘
뭐가 엄청 길긴한데 -_-
누가 기능요약좀 해주세요
05/09/08 17:49
수정 아이콘
3줄 요약
05/09/08 18:56
수정 아이콘
드뎌 나왔구나!ㅋ
05/09/09 02:10
수정 아이콘
\r 할말 명령어 이건 어케 쓰는지좀 알려주세요;;;바로 답장하기 방법좀;;
05/09/09 15:54
수정 아이콘
만약 게임하다가 다른 사람에게서 귓말이 온다고 했을때 그사람 아이디가 길다던가 알아보기 힘든 아이디일때 또는 친추가 안돼있어서 /f m 할말로 말하기 힘들때 \r 할말 써주시면 됩니다.
05/09/09 15:56
수정 아이콘
알아보기 힘들거나 긴 아이디일경우 /w 아이디 할말로 일일이 대답하려면 번거로우니까요.. 그리고 펭귄의 명령어들은 게임안에서만 가능합니다~
05/09/09 19:03
수정 아이콘
드뎌 나왔군요 넘 행복해요 그간 맵핵커들한테 시달린게 너무 많아서 흐흑
05/09/09 19:16
수정 아이콘
그냥 설치하고 하면 되는건가요??
자세한 설치법좀...영어는...ㅈㅈ
놀라운 본능
05/09/09 21:42
수정 아이콘
온니벌쳐가 메딕도 없는 마린에 녹는 이 현실이여~ 멀티도 없이 마린 벌쳐인데 저보다 벌쳐가 많더군요.. 케논도 소용 없고
미네랄 핵 잡는 펭귄은 안나오나요?;;
05/09/09 22:06
수정 아이콘
음.. 그냥 압축풀어서 스타폴더에 넣은다음에 펭귄을 실행하시면 됩니다.. 신종 미네랄핵은 1.13d패치된후 가능해졌으니 블리자드가 알면 바로 패치 내놓을거에요. EUD트리거 패치한것 처럼
05/09/10 01:14
수정 아이콘
가장 걱정되는건 맵핵이 패치 내놓아도 쭉 업그레이드 되었듯이 미네랄핵도 그런 업글을 거치면 어쩌나 하는거죠.
05/09/10 21:25
수정 아이콘
테란슈퍼핵을 만든 카페를 알고있는데
테란슈퍼핵은 이미나왔구요 플토저그핵도있지만 공개를안한상태입니다
그카페에서 조만간 테란슈퍼핵방지 프로그램도 만든다고합니다(병주고약주고-ㅇ-;
05/09/11 15:07
수정 아이콘
아 참고로 \r 기능은 먼저 자신이 다른사람에게 /w id 할말로 귓말보내고 나서도 바로 사용 가능합니다
05/09/11 15:10
수정 아이콘
음..맵핵은 어느버젼에서나 만들수 있지만 미네랄핵같은것은 어떤 특정한 환경의 버젼에서만 가능하지 않을까요
Ms. Anscombe
05/09/11 15:18
수정 아이콘
핵 쓰고도 간신간신 이기는 애들이 안쓰러움
05/09/11 17:21
수정 아이콘
핵 쓰고도 진 애들이 불쌍함..;;
Ms. Anscombe
05/09/12 03:48
수정 아이콘
드라군으로 밀면서, 웬 머린이 이리 많나 생각했는데, 리플보고 알았습니다..^^
05/09/12 14:47
수정 아이콘
미네랄 핵 쓰면 계속 만언씩 올라가는건가요? 아니면 한번 만언 생기고 끝인가여?
05/09/12 22:04
수정 아이콘
게임상에서 핵키누르고 배럭짓고 마린생산한거 취소하면 미네랄 3만씩 올라감..
05/09/13 14:23
수정 아이콘
저도 드라군 세마리에 벌쳐랑 탱크랑 마린이 우글우글하길래
리플보고 깜짝 놀랬어요 ㅜ_ㅜ
05/09/13 21:44
수정 아이콘
이거 깔고나서 겜하면 바로 팅긴다는 --? 저같은 사람 없나효
05/09/14 12:36
수정 아이콘
펭귄으로 실행해서 튕기신다면 그냥 Brood War로 실행하시면 돼욤.. 펭귄은 못쓰지만-0-
05/09/14 15:36
수정 아이콘
오늘 베넷들어가보니 1.13e로 업데이트되었습니다.-_-;
05/09/20 21:49
수정 아이콘
근데 스타는 되는데 오류가 뜨네요 어떻하죠 ?
05/09/21 19:40
수정 아이콘
\r 가능말인데 안써져요 ㅡ;;; "\"<=== 녀석이 자꾸 "/" 이거 반대 방향으로 나와요 ㅡㅡ;;
목록 삭게로! 맨위로
번호 제목 이름 날짜 조회
551 와티비 프로그램 입니다. [4] 신예ⓣerran13664 06/01/02 13664
546 [패치] 7x patcher 1.13e [17] 카르디아18329 05/12/14 18329
545 신한은행배 맵 [개척시대] [신 815] [13] 카르디아17863 05/12/10 17863
544 WCG 그랜드 파이날 리플레이 모음입니다.. [14] SM_Mars14237 05/11/22 14237
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540 [유틸]BWTVObserver for 1.13e v.485 BETA (개인화면보기) [94] Tarkus22085 05/10/23 22085
536 LG CYON 7차 MBCgame Star League 공식맵 Dark Sauron II [8] 그대만바라볼16340 05/10/08 16340
535 X-tra Campaign Editor [9] 김명진10978 05/10/05 10978
534 맵 이미지 추출 프로그램 'scmjpeg' [3] 김명진14803 05/10/04 14803
533 펭귄 0.4.2 [10] 카르디아17643 05/09/15 17643
532 펭귄 plug-041 스타1.13d에서 작동 [30] ooa20443 05/09/08 20443
530 WEF 2005 (World e-Sports Festival) - 본선 전경기 리플레이 [13] kimbilly15990 05/09/07 15990
529 SKY 프로리그 2005 후기 리그 공식맵 (철의장막 수정) [35] 그대만바라볼29064 05/08/31 29064
527 피지투어 오픈했네요 [28] 갈사마19257 05/08/24 19257
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525 CKCG리플 대량으로 올립니다.. [27] Epilogue15655 05/08/23 15655
524 펭귄 플러그인 1.13b용 입니다... [16] 사랑의상처는14353 05/08/15 14353
523 Neo Forte 2.1 버전입니다. [10] Forgotten_18513 05/07/19 18513
522 2005 SO1 스타리그 공식맵입니다. [44] Forgotten_35074 05/07/18 35074
521 bwchart 최신버젼입니다. [17] 김명진29348 05/07/10 29348
520 1.13패치를 위한 펭귄플러그입니다. [4] 지바고15688 05/07/07 15688
목록 이전 다음

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