Date 2007/01/12 02:25:37
Name 퍼플레인
Subject [re] Production Note of Hitchhiker

Starting from the match of midas vs savior, Hitchhiker has been used as an official map of Shinhan Starleague S3.
Reavealed here are the production note of Hitchhiker, made with an aim to inherit the form of strategic maps
for 2 players such as Bifrost and Peaks of Baekdu, and answers to your questions.

#1 concept

Actually, Hitchhiker was made a year ago. During the preparation for the 05-06 Shinhan Bank Starleague,
a feature so called “Neutral Structure” was first introduced in a melee map. Hitchhiker was one of the maps made then.

Hitchhiker and Pioneer Period are somewhat twin maps.
“A map with a central rush route and two more rush routes connected to another entrance”
was the theme for‘Naissance(The picture below)’, the roughdraft for Pioneer Period with four startings, and Hitchhiker.

Since Hitchhiker is a map with two startings, it has more strategic factors whereas Naissance is
more for large scale combats. However, the basic theme of the two maps is very similar, therefore I find the two maps as a “twin.”

Another basis of Hitchhiker was Circular style maps. Mercury, Pelenorr, and Alchemist
turned out to be a failure, showing the limits of circular maps.

The breakthrough of the limits was “Rush Hour.” The map tends to be circular in the early and middle
stages, and center style in the late period. This was partially a success, giving the fun that was
unique to circular maps. Hitchhiker is the opposite. This map is center concentrated only in the
early period of the game, and as the game proceeds, the importance of the circular battlefields
in the outskirts increase. This leads to division of forces or occupation of important spots,
shown only in the late stage of circular maps. Therefore, this map can be classified as a modification of circular maps.

#2 Use of Terrains

The main theme of this map is “wit.” The idealistic goal of Hitchhiker is to let the witty and
clever player win, rather than the one with automatic movements from experiences. That is why
the use of terrains of this map, especially in the central canyon, is crucial to the victory.

There is a Chinese novel called “The Three Kingdoms” based on ancient Chinese history.
The novel illustrates the battle in the Hulu Gorge led by the two greatest strategists of the time,
Zhuge Liang and Sima Yi. Zhuge Liang decoyed the Wei army to the narrow valley and drove
them into a corner with fire attacks. Likewise, use of terrains in the narrow valley becomes
a crucial factor to the game, far more than the usual hills. (In the real history, the Wei army was
saved by an unexpected shower.)

After the earlier and middle stages of battles around the narrow valley, the dogfight starts. The rear
hills of the mineral expansion, the easiest one to get, and the expansions isolated by neutral
structures are unsafe from harrassments. Other remaining gas expansions at 1 and 7 are free from
attacks using terrain, but they are close to the opponent.

Therefore, among the recent maps, Hitchhiker is the most difficult one to have the second and
the third expansions. That means this map is intended for small confused fights instead of
battles in a mass, which also means implication of problems with balance. The key point of
making this map was how to solve such imbalance.

#3 Playing in This Map

There are some things that players should keep in mind when they play in this map. First,
this map is different from other maps using Neutral Structures, such as Alkanoid or Pioneer Period.

Pioneer Period and Alkanoid’s Neutral Structures are mostly used as barriers, blocking
the entrance. As a result, it encouraged defensive play styles. Hitchhiker's Neutral Structures seem
to be similarily arranged, but as a contrast, destroying the structures to open up the route becomes
necessary to attack the opponent's expansions. Therefore the neutral structures in Hitchhiker are more of an offensive factor.

Another feature is allowing hidden structures. If you just skim through Hitchhiker, you are
likely to think that this map does not have space for such tricky plays. But as you can see in the
picture below, every single terrain in the map can be used for proxy or hidden structures.

Warping Robotics Facility in a remote area connected to the player's main base will not be easily
patrolled by the opponent, therefore gives far more damages than normal. Hidden gateways
or factories built past the neutral structures by pylon jumps or building supply depots can
result in a thrilling situation for the player; invasion upon the opponent with two entrances.

#4 T vs Z

Before the season started, I estimated the balance of the official maps for the season. It may
not be accurate after all, but I thought the TvsZ balance to be 5:5 or a little more inclined to Terran.

Basically, Hitchhiker is a 'happy map' for Terran players. It has two staring points, and even if
you fail to set out proxy structures, you can recover your advantages by blocking the narrow valley.
Furthermore, availability of Zerg's additional expansions after the nature and the mineral
expansion is very much limited, which gives Terran more chances to win as the game lasts
longer. The reason that Midas could beat Savior was following this basic principle of the map.  

Still, the zerg players have many cards to win. The three Hatchery build which is commonly
used nowadays brings a mineral expansion, and this is what gave Zerg advantages in Arcadia.
The Lurker and Mutal harrassment using the narrow valley gives Terran trouble to fight with
small and midium scale unit masses. Moving forces to remote areas rather than the narrow valley
means leaving another entrance of the main base open, and the narrow valley is not an exception; Terran has
many spots to defend. Therefore, Zerg can go for elimination in the worst case. Had savior not
exccessively attacked Midas and invaded his opponent's main base earlier with the powered
economy from the expansion, the result could have been different.

Terran's Advantage: Ability to block the narrow valley with two structures. Difficult to get gas expansions.
Zerg's Advantage: Easy to get a mineral expansion. Battles in the valley. Three entrances. Easy to go for a slow drop.

#5 ZvsP

Zerg vs Protoss is not easily predictable. While ZvsP matches are the fewest among the
matches between two different races, they present so many different game styles, therefore
the balance depends on the most common strategy of the time.

For the Zerg players, this map is easy to fight against Protoss. The difficulty of defending
expansions for Protoss means the mobility of Zerg can give more damages to the opponent in
the late period. The narrow valley can be used for containments with Lurkers. And the three
entrances to the main base allow Zerg to invade the Protoss' double Nexus with Hydra from three Hatcheries.

However, Protoss users also have advantages. The valley can be defended by a few cannons
and structures, the second expansion is easy to get after double Nexus, and the terrain
provides a very long route for Hydra-oriented plays, which is good for the use of corsair-reaver.
These factors can give Protoss users a notion that this map is 'pretty fair.'

Zerg: Expansions easy to attack, Lurker containment easy. Three entrances to the main base.
Protoss: Narrow valley. Easy to get the second expansion, Easy to use Corsair-Reaver.

#6 T vs P

In fact, the most controversial match in Hitchhiker is PvsT. The defeat of Anytime[gm] has
given Protoss users frustration and anger. (If you search for “Hitchhiker” in certain communities,
you can find it out for yourself.)

There are basically two ways to set the balance. One way is to make the balance 5:5 throughout
the game, and the other way is to make the early and middle periods a little inclined to
one side, and vice versa for the late-mid and later periods of the game. The former way is very
hard. Unless the map is really simple, the fair balance throughout the game is a mission impossible.
That's why I prefer the latter.

TvsP balance in Hitchhiker is undoubtedly favorable to Terran players in the early and mid periods.
However, when all the Neutral Structures are destroyed and Carriers are produced, all of a
sudden the game is in Protoss' hands. Therefore the Protoss players must pursue stable
management as much as possible, regardless of the damages he might receive in the early
and mid periods. On the contrary, the Terran players must try to give damages to Protoss as
much as possible, so that the game will not be difficult even with Carriers. Firebathero
showed this attitude very well.

The Protoss players are required to use shuttles or other methods to safely survive the early
and mid periods of game. The brown line crossing the center of the center valley means exposure
to attacks by dragoons or lurkers on the hill once you are inside the line. Terran's timing rush can be somewhat
difficult by dragoons on the hill. Therefore, the sensory length of the rush route by these
time-earning plays feels even more farther than the real length.

Being a 'runaway Protoss' with expansions while leaving the main base and the nature behind can be
another way. Therefore I think this map is favorable to Protoss, and the Terran players will
have to look for solutions to win.

Protoss' Advantage: Proxy and hidden structures in the early period. Use of Carriers in the late period.
Terran's: Attack on Protoss' mineral expansion from the hill. Terrains of the narrow valley good for fights.

#7 Epilogue

This seems to be all I can say about Hitchhiker as the maker of this map. I will leave the
rest of the story to the players. I hope for many exciting games in Hitchhiker, the official map
for the third season of 2006, or for the first half of 2007, if used further.

Thank you for reading.

Sinerely, Forgotten_.

통합규정 1.3 이용안내 인용

"Pgr은 '명문화된 삭제규정'이 반드시 필요하지 않은 분을 환영합니다.
법 없이도 사는 사람, 남에게 상처를 주지 않으면서 같이 이야기 나눌 수 있는 분이면 좋겠습니다."
07/01/12 08:18
수정 아이콘
Pioneer Period and Alkanoid’s Neutral Structures are mostly used as barriers, blocking
the entrance. As a result, it encouraged defensive (style plays-> play styles). Hitchhiker's Neutral Structures seem
to be similarily arranged, but as a contrast, (destroying the structures to open up the route becomes
necessary to attack the opponent's expansions->it is necessary to destroy you own neutral structures to attack the opponent's expansions). Therefore the neutral structures in Hitchhiker are more of an offensive factor.
07/01/12 08:23
수정 아이콘
시간이 없어서 이거밖에 못하겠네요...
부족한 점이 많으니 보시고 꼭 고쳐야 겠다는것만 고치세요. ^^
Qck mini
07/01/12 09:10
수정 아이콘
와, 그림까지 수정하셧네요
정말 수고하셧습니다
07/01/12 18:23
수정 아이콘
#0 (original)

Starting from the match of midas vs savior, Hitchhiker has been used as an official map of Shinhan Starleague S3. Revealed here is the production note of Hitchhiker, made with an aim to inherit the form of strategic maps for 2 players such as Bifrost and Backdu peaks, and answers your questions.

#0 (revised)
Starting from the match of midas vs savior, Hitchhiker has been used as an official map of SHINHAN STARLEAGUE S3. Released here was the story about ‘how to make Hitchhiker’, which continued the form of strategic map such as Bifrost and Backdu peaks, and to answer your questions.

1. 이번 피지알의 게시판 중에서 번역게시판의 출현을 무엇보다 반기면서, 피지알 운영진 그리고, 퍼플레인님을 비롯한 ‘히치하이커 제작노트’ 영작에 수고하신 분들께 감사를 드립니다. 저도 나름대로 영작을 해 보았지만, 실력이 안되고, 시간도 여의치 않아서 이미 만들어진 초안에 약간의 수정을 가하는 시도를 해 보았습니다. 현재 미국에 살고 있는데, 여기 미국사람들도 어려운 단어로 문장을 복잡하게 만들기 보다는 쉽고 간결하게 쓰는 경향이 많았습니다. 그래야 이해도 쉽게 됩니다. 저도 그런 경험을 많이 했구요. 그래서, 저도 기본적으로 영작을 할 때는, ‘쉬운 단어를 사용해서 쉽게 이해가 되도록 간결하게 문장을 만들자’ 입니다. 이 글을 읽어 볼 대상이 영어권의 10-20대인 점을 감안 한다면, 쉬운 문장을 만드는 것이 나으리라 생각됩니다. 물론 쉬운 문장을 만드는 게 쉬운 일은 아닙니다만. 그래서 우선, #0 의 문단만 시도를 해 보았습니다. 몇 개의 단어와 문장을 좀 바꿔 보았습니다. 여전히 만족스러운 건 아니지만 번역게시판 운영진께 한번 참고가 될까 해서 이렇게 올려봅니다.

2. 그리고, 이왕 번역게시판을 시작하는 마당에 표현 방식에 대한 간단한 원칙이 있었으면 좋겠습니다. 처음에 제가 이 글을 읽다가 ‘Pioneer period’ 라는 단어를 보고는 한참을 생각해야 했었습니다. 이게 뭐지? 그러다가 알게 되었지요. 맵 중에 하나인 ‘개척시대, 라는 것을요. 그래서 몇몇 고유의 명칭에 대해서 일반 단어들과 구별을 두어야겠다는 생각을 했습니다. 제가 수정한 문단을 보시면 아시겠지만, 선수들의 아이디 (굵은 소문자), 맵 이름 (이탤릭체), 그리고 대회 명칭 (굵은 대문자)에 대해서 약간의 변화를 주었습니다. 읽을 때 좀 더 구분이 쉽지 않을까 생각이 듭니다.

3. ‘히치하이커 맵 제작 노트’ 영작에 대해서 여전히 수정보완 할 수 있는 공간이 열려 있다면 시간과 여건이 되는 대로 조금씩 올려 보도록 하겠습니다. 하지만 저의 수정보완이 채택되는 것에 대해서는 전적으로 번역게시판의 운영진의 결정에 따르도록 하겠습니다.

P.S. 게시판에 댓글로 올리고 보니, 굵은 글자와 이탤릭체는 표현이 안되는 군요. 방법이 없나요?
07/01/12 23:16
수정 아이콘
morncafe님/ 댓글에는 html 사용이 안될겁니다^^;

이번 글은 이미 최종 수정이 끝난 상태이기 때문에 오, 탈자 내지는 명백한 실수를 제외하고는 수정이 없을 예정입니다. 다음 글에 많은 도움을 주신다면 감사하겠습니다.

선수들의 이름이나 맵 이름 같은 고유명사를 이탤릭체나 볼드체로 표현하는 것은 국내 독자(?)들을 위해서는 좋은 생각인 것 같습니다. 외국 포럼들에서는 이미 익숙한 말들이기 때문에 여기 계시는 분들께 생경할 수도 있다는 생각은 미처 못했네요. 적극 고려하도록 하겠습니다:D
07/01/13 00:11
수정 아이콘
감사합니다. 잘 알겠습니다. 사실 뒷북 같은 느낌이 있었습니다. 다만 한가지, and answers your questions 이라는 문구는 and to answer your questions으로 바뀌어야 할 것 같습니다. 제 생각에 이 문구는 revealed 와 연결이 되기 때문입니다. 풀어서 쓴다면, revealed here is the production note of Hichhiker to answer your questions 처럼 말입니다.
07/01/13 00:29
수정 아이콘
morncafe님/ 원문은 '비프로스트와 백두대간 시리즈의 뒤를 잇는 전략형 2인용맵의 계보를 이어가는 것이 목표인 '히치하이커'의 제작노트, 그리고 여러 분들의 의문점을 풀어드릴 해답을 공개합니다.' 입니다. 적어주신 문장의 의미는 원문과는 조금 벗어나게 되겠네요. 그래서 'is'대신 'are'를 동사로 썼습니다.
07/01/15 19:57
수정 아이콘
대단합니다. 정말 고생하셨네요....
07/01/16 16:53
수정 아이콘
덧글 뒤늦게 남겨 죄송합니다. 졸필을 이렇게 번역해 주신 pgr 회원님들과 운영진분들께 정말 감사드립니다! ^^
임요환의 DVD
07/01/12 02:31
수정 아이콘
와~ 드디어 나왔네요. 고생하셨습니다^^
07/01/12 02:31
수정 아이콘
대단하세요 멋집니다!!!
07/01/12 02:32
수정 아이콘
퍼플레인님 만세~ ㅇ_ㅇb

번역해주신 모든 분들께 감사드립니다. (_ _)
07/01/12 03:06
수정 아이콘
오썸 ^ ^/
앞으로도 좋은 번역 부탁드려요 .. !!
07/01/12 05:47
수정 아이콘
멋진 정리 감사드립니다.
07/01/12 07:30
수정 아이콘
아..있어보여요.. -_-;;;;
07/01/12 07:58
수정 아이콘
#2 지형의 활용 이것이 빠졌네요;;

더 교정을 할 수 있는지요? 간단한 교정만 한다면...


Starting from the match of midas vs savior, Hitchhiker has been used as an official map of Shinhan Starleague S3.
Reavealed->Revealed(철자법) here are->is(production note는 하나죠) the production note of Hitchhiker, made with an aim to inherit the form of strategic maps
for 2 players such as Bifrost and Peaks of Baekdu, and answers to your questions.
마지막 문장은 너무 길다고 생각합니다. 두세 문장으로 나누어서 쓰시면 훨씬 읽기 좋을거라고 생각합니다.
07/01/12 08:02
수정 아이콘
#1 concept

Actually, Hitchhiker is->was(과거형) made a year ago. During the preparation for the 05-06 Shinhan Bank Starleague,
(a->the) (feature so called “Neutral Structure”)->(“Neutral Structure” feature) was first introduced in a melee map. Hitchhiker was one of the maps made then.
07/01/12 08:08
수정 아이콘
The breakthrough of the limits was “Rush Hour.” The map tends to be circular in the early and middle
stages, and center style in the late period. This was partially a success, (giving->allowing) the fun that was
unique to circular maps. Hitchhiker is the opposite. This map is (center concentrated->concentrated in the center) only in the
early period of the game, and as the game proceeds, the importance of the circular battlefields
in the outskirts increase. (That->This) leads to division of forces or occupation of important spots,
shown only in the late stage of circular maps. Therefore, this map can be classified as a modification of circular maps.

The main theme of this map is “Sense.”(우리가 보통 사용하는 '센스'라는 단어는 의미는 영어에서 쓰이는 것과 약간 틀립니다. '재치'나 비슷한 단어를 직역하시는게 더 옮을 듯 합니다) The idealistic goal of Hitchhiker is to let the witty and
clever player win, rather than the one with automatic movements from experiences. That is why
the use of terrains of this map, especially in the central canyon(여기 쉼표 추가) is crucial to the victory.
07/01/12 08:12
수정 아이콘
There is a Chinese novel called “The Three Kingdoms.”(마침표 대신 쉼표) based on ancient Chinese history.
The novel illustrates the battle in the Hulu Gorge led by the two greatest strategists of the time,
Zhuge Liang and Sima Yi. Zhuge Liang decoyed the Wei army to the narrow valley and drove
them into a corner with fire attacks. Likewise, use of terrains in the narrow valley becomes
a crucial factor to the game, far more than (the!) usual hills. In the real->actual history, the Wei army was
saved by an unexpected shower.
목록 삭게로! 맨위로
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1 히치하이커 제작노트 [58] Forgotten_22978 06/12/30 22978
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