Date 2007/01/18 03:23:45
Name 퍼플레인
Subject [re] Light[aLive]’s Unit Control—from one of his games vs. free[gm] in Arcardia II
이번 글의 최종 수정은 임요환의 DVD님이 수고해 주셨습니다.
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Hello, everyone!

I'm CheNyeomToss.

Today, I suggest to analyze Light[aLive]'s sparkling control in the game from the semi-playoffs.

What is so unique when he's in the game?

Somebody said, one would meet the situation that everything goes against oneself and
the game is helplessly over, pulled along to Light[aLive]'s intention.
That’s why he is called as...

The Dark Sorcerer, the man who spellbinds.

Ha Ha! I don't know how he earned it though.
(By the way, isn't Goodfriend called as the man who takes interests away? ^^)

Let's feel the control of the Dark Sorcerer.

Before this scene, Light[aLive]'s tanks got Free[gm]'s 2 ambitious Reavers.
Now, his tanks get a chance to move forward little by little.

However, they are not moving as a whole but apart. 3 of them are turned on Siege-Mode,
but the rest are moving down. He might have 'plans'.

About six Dragoons are attacking the Engineering Bay.
Oh, while dragoons are doing so, the 3 tanks hit one of them with Arclite Cannons.

The Dragoons can't just hold it, because they got a blow first.
They’re moving one step forward...

Oohh, one of them gets hit in the head by the 3 early Tanks on Siege Mode
to be a blue 'melted ice cream'. (Silent prayer for it...)

However Free[gm] doesn't fly into a rage and he withdraws
the remaining Dragoons toward his base.

Free[gm] had a little loss by Light[aLive]’s trap even though it was not so serious.

What is your opinion? Do you see it was just a happening that 3 Tanks allured silly Dragoons?
Was it a pure coincidence?

I see it as the origin of his 'sorcery'.

OK, let's talk about the best highlight of the game.

Light[aLive]'s Tanks have safely sit down in front of the opponent's entrance
while Free[gm]'s Reaver was away for a raid.

My gosh, A dragoon stepped out for nothing and turned into a melted ice cream.
The others should be careful with it. Shall we see how many units each has?

Take a look at Free[gm]'s. 13 or 14 Dragoons are there and 3 Shuttles are floating in the sky.
More than 8 Zealots are expected aboard.

It seems that 3 Shuttles will drop Zealots around the Tanks, and then Dragoons will make
a frontal attack—looks very strong.

Good to go? All right. Let's take a look at Terran’s troop arrangement.

Terran positioned 6 Tanks in the front, 2 Tanks in the rear.
It also scattered Spider Mines around and had an SCV make a Terran Missile Turret.

Meanwhile the linear containment looks not bad,
but it seems hard to fight against Dragoons and more than 8 Zealots in the 3 Shuttles.
The number of Vultures around the Tanks is relatively small,
and the terrain is not so narrow for surrounding attacks by Protoss.

It's going fast now.
Free[gm]'s Shuttle has just recieved an attack order,
but at the same time Light[aLive] releases 3 Tanks off the Siege Mode.
Did he lose his mind?
Anyway, he continuously moves the 3 Tanks to the rear!
Zealots touch down off the 3 Speed-Up-Shuttles at the same time.

My gosh, is Light[aLive] a genius????

He could minimize his damage from the Zealots which was targeted on the seiged Tanks,
owing to those Tanks moved to the rear.
Also, he could avoid getting damaged by the other Tanks on Siege Mode.

What a surprise! How could he figure out the exact Shuttle-raid time?
Apparently, he didn't use scans, nor his mines were attacked yet.

What an astonishing sixth-sense he showed!

Thanks to the foresight of the earlier back-off Tanks,
Terran is sweeping the other Zealots around the Tanks with a few Vultures.

Alas, the Shuttles were shot down by the Turret and Zealots are almost gone...
Light[aLive] wasn't damaged except for the 3 Siege-Mode-Tanks at the front.
Great job.

Right after the Zealots are gone, the 3 Tanks in the Tank mode turn into Seige mode again!!

Free[gm] only has Dragoons.
Light[aLive]'s reaction to the situation is very skillful...
Would he have thought everything?

My God, if you are playing Protoss, you wouldn't want to watch this scene.

The rushing Dragoons are melted the unmerciful Tanks.....
And some unlucky friends....stepped on the Spider Mines, too.

Vultures are covering the Tanks... Perfect.
Light[aLive], what a great unit control he shows.

The man who got spellbound, Free[gm]is sighing.

If he displayed all the striking power he had,
he would have wiped those Tanks away with his 3 Shuttles and a mass of Dragoons.

He was owned by Light[aLive]'s prepare-all-in-advance play.

I think this is his Dark Sorcery.
It means the way he spellbinds the opponent into his perfect trap.

Of course, it seems impossible without his crazy sixth-sense.

The Conclusion for Today: Light[aLive] is a Super Terran.

In an interview with Tae-gi Ha, the MBC Game Hero's Head Coach

-Why did you decide to appoint Light[Alive] to the last match vs. Hanbit?

▶ Light[aLive] plays very entertaining games when practicing. Some of his games are unbelievable,
making me wonder if such come-from-behind victories are ever possible in StarCraft.
It is a pity that we cannot broadcast all of his games.(laugh)
I was impressed with his immediate Siege-Mode turn-off and moving three tanks to the rear
in such an acute situation. He is a blameless player with a good judgment and an accurate control.
(clipped from Fighterforum)

통합규정 1.3 이용안내 인용

"Pgr은 '명문화된 삭제규정'이 반드시 필요하지 않은 분을 환영합니다.
법 없이도 사는 사람, 남에게 상처를 주지 않으면서 같이 이야기 나눌 수 있는 분이면 좋겠습니다."
07/01/18 03:28
수정 아이콘
수고 하셨습니다. 저에게도 여러모로 도움이 많이 되었습니다.
임요환의 DVD
07/01/18 03:52
수정 아이콘
참여해 주신 타츠야 님, morncafe 님, 분수 님, 큐리스 님, 김영대 님, 그리고 Qck mini 님과 퍼플레인 님께 감사드립니다^^
Qck mini
07/01/18 16:29
수정 아이콘
팀리퀴드 눈팅하는데 이글이 올라와있네요.
대부분 긍정적인 리플이고 몇분은 좀 오버스러운거(우연) 아니냐 하는분도 계시고..
또 이와 비슷하게 고인규vs박성준 in아카디아2 리뷰글 올라왓던것도 번역됫으면 좋겟다는분도 있네요
07/01/18 17:20
수정 아이콘
저도 방금 TL가서 보고왔습니다. 전략게시판에 포스팅되어있더라구요. 글 자체는 재미있게 읽었다는 말이 대부분인걸 보니 일단은 긍정적으로 받아들이면 될 것 같습니다^_^
07/01/18 20:28
수정 아이콘
정말 멋지게 번역해주셔서 감사합니다..

흠.. 앞으로는 글쓸때... 과장해서 쓰는 걸 자제해야 될듯 해요..
좀 유머스럽게 하고 싶어서 그런거였는데.. OTL..
07/01/18 21:31
수정 아이콘
정말 수고하셨습니다. 고생하시네요. ^^
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